We saw a rainbow here on Monday night....a double one actually! No photo of it since I was driving. I was asked what was in yesterday's photos....and it would be my Prismacolor pencils. They are in an acrylic pen rack that I was given by a lss owner. I stood it on end and made my very own rainbow....I like to have my pencils organized by color family and right at my fingertips.

These are the ribbon rings I've been working on this week. I saw some online and thought they would be perfect. I picked up a curtain rod from a rummage sale for FREE, found a bunch of old key rings around here that should have been tossed = FREE, some paperclips (almost FREE), some homemade ribbon cards (from some cardstock I got for FREE). I did splurge on the 2 inch binder rings from Office Max...but now I have a rainbow curtain right at my fingertips of all my loose ribbon.

And for the ladies that sent me the ribbon reels I put calls out for on SCS and EIO....here is my SU! ribbon all organized pretty-like! This is a cd holder I got for my son....but I snitched it and gave him a bigger one! This I have on my wall and all of my ribbon is there, at my fingertips all handy-like. The ribbon across the font just keeps it from rolling out...but I really like this since it's super easy to grab the roll I need for a project or workshop.
As for paper storage and such....I'll get to it....but not until I get this place spiffed up a bit....it is frightning at the moment!!
I will get back to cards here soon....but I'm on that organizing roll and this is what I've been working on!! Thanks for stopping by and for your questions!!