Some More Embellish-Online Challenges here is an odd little thing about me. I like lists. They are so fun to make and then I get to cross things off when I get them done! (if I haven't lost them first!)

I have a few challenges on my stamping list of things to do that I don't have crossed neatly I'm playing catch-up now!

This card is for Friday Challenge 10 which Julie was the hostess of. Our challenge was a sketch challenge and to make it crisp and clean. This one was truly a challenge for me with SO many layers and crisp and clean too! I pulled together a few scraps from my drawer and this is what I came up with. The sunflower is from SU! and Just because is by A Muse. The button is vintage, the ribbon is SU! The image is colored with Copics and Prismacolor Pencils and Gamsol. You can check out everyone else's creations here.

This card is for Friday Challenge 12. This challenge was hosted by Daniela. Our challenge was to create a card using the color red, buttons and a bit of stamping. I used another SU! image and used my Copic Markers to color the image. I used the tip to tip method of shading on this image. This involves taking the lighter color marker and pulling color off of a darker coordinating marker. This allows you to shade without having definate shading lines as well as extends the shades of colors you can have with just a few markers. I punched the designer paper with the Martha Stewart Doily punch. You can see the other challenge cards here.


retiredheather saidā€¦
Both of these cards are great. I love the layout of the first card. Just so clean and stylish. The second card has a softer more feminine look which is appealing.
great job on the challenges Michelle! The crisp and clean challenge is the hardest for me to do.
mel m. m. mccarthy saidā€¦
Loving the fall look. Gorgeous job of the challenges! Your colouring is SO good. This apples look so real that I wanna bite 'em! heehee :O)

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