20,000 posts and my first Blog Anniversary!

Wow....the year has gone fast, and I really appreciate each of you that has taken time to stop by and take a peek at what I've been doing in my stamp room!! To celebrate I'm offering up some BLOG CANDY!! I'm still in the process of filling it up....but so far there are stamps, brads, ribbon and more to come! I'm leaving the drawing open until November 16, my actual blog anniversary.

Please leave a comment on this post telling me one of these things:
~something you'd like to see on this blog
~your favorite stamp company
~any suggestions to make this blog better
~your favorite recipe

For an extra chance to win post this on your blog and tell me in your original comment that you did. I look forward to visiting your blogs!! If you don't have a blog just say so! Good Luck!!!


I love your blog and can't think of anything to make it better. It's hard to pick ONE favorite stamp company as my tastes change with the season (or moment LOL!). I am going to post this on my blog now. Ɯ
Harley Dee saidā€¦
Congrats on your blogiversary!!! And kudos on so many hits. That's amazing! :) You do great work. I really love your Swirled Dove card.

Hmm, I think I'll post a recipe.
Easy Banana Bread
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
2 1/3 cups mashed overripe bananas


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
2. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Debbie Fisher sent her readers over to your blog to try for your blog candy. Congratulations on your milestone. Add my name to the possibilities!!!! Karen C
Bunny B saidā€¦
Congrats on your posts and Blogoversary!!

I always love seeing tutorials! :) And I love Hero Arts Stamps!
I've also linked: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2008/11/yummy-crafty-blog-candy.html

Thanks for the chances!

bunnybx at gmail . com
Sena saidā€¦
Lovely blog! Congratulations on your first Blog Anniversary :))
I would just love to see more lovely creations! Keep up the great work!!!

I posted on my blog - http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2008/11/candy.html

Annelies saidā€¦
Hi Michelle, congratulations on the hits! My favorite stamp company is Hero Arts. I must say this is one of the few companies with a large selection available in Belgium. I like the creations you're showing on your blog. I'm also a scrapbooker and cardmaker and love to see other's work to get inspired. Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Cathy saidā€¦
http://aliitlebitofheaven.blogspot.com/ here is my blog, I will post a link to your blog, thanks so much for offering some candy! your blog is great! My favorite stamp company would have to be......ahhhhhhh stampin up then many more. I really don't have a favorite recipe all food is YUMMY!
sandyh50 saidā€¦
Congrats on your blogaversary! I like the combination of cards and scrapbooking layouts on your blog as I do both, so it's nice to get some inspiration from you. My fave stamp company changes by what I like, right now I like Stampin' Up, INkadinado, Great Impressions, and lately Close to my Heart! Your actual blogaversary is 2 days after my birthday, so maybe I'll be lucky and win!!
AnnMarie saidā€¦
Happy, happy anniversary! LOVE your blog! Wouldn't change a thing! : ) One of my favorite stamp companies is Stampin Up!
Becky G saidā€¦
Congrats on the hits!

Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Michelle, Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary - I love visiting you to see what new things you have created for us to feast our eyes on :)
I thought you might like one of my favorite recipes for when I have company. It's also good for unexpected company as it's very quick to make. It tastes and smells exactly like roast chicken, but it is much quicker to make, and to serve.

Imitation roast chicken.

1 boneless chicken breast per person, diced into bite sized pieces.
1 or 2 packet gravy mixes - depending on the amount of chicken.
Your favorite stuffing mix.

Spray the base of an ovenproof serving dish, and spread the chicken over the base.
Make up the gravy mix - preferably a mix that goes well with the seasonings in your stuffing - and pour it over the chicken. The gravy should cover the chicken.
Make up your stuffing - I use 2 slices of day old bread per person, a couple of onions, salt & pepper and a variety of herbs: sage, thyme, oregano, etc. Process the bread and herbs, and finely dice the onion, season, and bind together with a little melted butter.
Spread this stuffing mixture over the meat and gravy and cook in a moderate oven for about an hour, or until the chicken is cooked and the stuffing is nice and golden. Because the chicken is in bite sized pieces it cooks much faster than full sized breast pieces or a whole chicken would cook.
I hope you enjoy this recipe - it's great for guests because you don't have to carve the chicken and it's still piping hot when you serve it!
I don't have a blog.
Thanks you for the opportunity to win blog candy.
Anne. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy blog anniversary!

My favorite stamp company is probably Penny Black. Love all their animals.

Don't have a blog.

abackman66 at hotmail dot com
Anonymous saidā€¦
Michelle, congrats on your blogaversary! My favorite stamp company is Stampin' Up! That's why
marlene saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary on your blog.....your are the greatest stamper I know, and to think, I'm privileged to have classes with you. The best teacher....don't change a thing. Your work is beautiful...
Alice saidā€¦
Hi from Italy! I would like to see tutorial, because I need to learn :) Happy blog anniversary !
I link your blog candy to my blog, under the section "blog candy".
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi from Minnesota!

Happy Anniversary. I love your cards especially the ones with flowers. I am a flower freak and often by stamps with flowers or butterflies.

My favorite stamps n' stuff are from Stampin Up. I love their color matching capabilities.

Gail S. saidā€¦
Michelle - I tried to post once before and it came back with an error so if this posts twice, sorry! I want to congratulate you on 20,000 posts! Wow!! I love visiting your blog and seeing what you have new to show us. My favorite stamps are Stampin' Up! I guess because I have so many of them. I do like step-by-step tutorials when there is something that I don't quite understand how they did that (if you know what I mean!). My favorite recipe (at the moment) is something I just got off the internet. It is easy to make and we are harvesting and I was able to whip these up after work and get them out to the guys in the field.

Harvest Hay Stacks
1 Cup Butterscotch Chips
1/2 C. Crunchy Peanut Butter
1/2 C. Mini Marshmallows
2 C. Chow Mein Noodles
Melt butterscotch chips and peanut butter in microwave. Remove and add marshmallow and noodles. Drop by forkfulls onto wax paper and chill in the refrigerator. Enjoy!
Lastel saidā€¦
Hi Michelle ,
Happy One year blog anniversary , mine was in mid October .
My fave stamp companies are SU!, Kitchen Sink Stamps , Inkadinkado and a few others , I can't pick just one !
I posted a link to your candy on my blog , which I have recently updated after too long of a break !
Joy saidā€¦
happy blogaversary!!!!

My favorite stamp company at the moment....hmmmmm, Unity and MFT!!

thanks for the opportunity, love your stuff!
Jessica saidā€¦
Congrats on hitting 20K hits!

I'd love to see more scrapbook layouts. I am WAY behind on my scrapbooking, and could use the inspiration!

ps. I've added your blog candy giveaway to my blog
debb saidā€¦
Michelle, Happy Anniversary and congats on over 20,000 hits! WOW! I have posted a link on my blog at:
I love that your blog looks like mine! I love to see tutorials and lots and lots of samples on blogs. I do not have a favorite company and would love to have stamps from them all! My favorite recipe is ink and paper-LOL!
Have a great day...
Unknown saidā€¦
Congrats on 20000 hits!

I'll post a holiday-ish recipe for you...

Shortbread with Toblerone

This shortbread is a tender, drop style shortbread - different from the firmer style that is pressed into a pan and cut into wedges.

1 cup unsalted butter, room temp
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp Icing sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch or rice flour (I use cornstarch)
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp fine salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Toblerone bar

1. Preheat oven to 350Āŗ F.
2. Beat butter until light and fluffy. Sift in icing sugar and beat again until fluffy, scraping down sides of bowl often.
3. Sift cornstarch or rice flour and blend.
4. Sift in all purpose flour and salt and mix until dough comes together (it will be soft).
5. Stir in vanilla.
6. Spoon large teaspoonfuls (more like tablespoons for me!) or use small ice cream scoop, onto an ungreased cookie sheet, leaving 2 inches between cookies.
7. Press pieces of toblerone onto each cookie. I try and find the "stocking stuffer" Toblerones - 6 mini bars (approx 55g each). The pieces are just perfect for the cookies. Otherwise, use a bigger bar, and cut chocolate to fit.
8. Bake 18 - 20 minutes until bottoms brown lightly. Remove and cool.

I've linked up your blog candy on my blog to spread the word :)
retiredheather saidā€¦
Congrats on your blog anniversary. I enjoy your blog and get notified of each entry. My favorite stamp company is actually a tie between Magnolia and Whiff of Joy. They are both fantastic. I also love stampscapes. I am sure you would be pleased with all of these.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I want to participate, but I'm from Spain... can I????????
I link you on my blog, and I think you may be can shaow some tutorial.

Jacqueline saidā€¦
Hi Michelle! I have thought now and again that you might try a change of the background colour of your blog. Thats nr. 1. No. 2 my favorite stamp company is Hero Arts. How to make you blog better - I don't know! No.4 would be a quiche using goats cheese, spring onions and tomotoes.
Maria saidā€¦
Happy Blog Anniversary and 20K hits, Michelle!! Whoohoo!! Keep up the great work on your blog. . .you;re doing fabulous and your cards and projects are beautiful!!

As for your questions:

I like seeing variety of projects on blogs. . .even unusual things. There's so many blogs out there that it's a pleasant surprise when I see something different.

Gosh, I really don't have a favorite. SU of course but I don't really focus on brands. . .it doesn't matter the brand, I focus more on the image no matter who makes it.

As for making your blog better. . .your blog is great the way it is. I do like blogs that highligh the bloggers personality. . .in discussion, interest, etc.

Hmmm. I'm not much of a cook but I do love "pumpkin crunch cake" for thanksgiving.

Jodi saidā€¦
Happy anniversary! What a milestone! 20,000 hits! One of my favorite stamp companies is Stampin Up!
~Chris~ saidā€¦
I am new to your Blog and love it.
My Fav Stamp Company is Stampin Up (and Whiff of Joy).
Your Blog is great and I wouldn't change a thing.
Fav Recipe.. Chicken Wild Rice Soup
I posted about your Candy on my Blog!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Happy Anniversary and congratulations on reaching 20,000 hits! I really like the Just Rite stamps and all the different ways they can be used.

Primitive Seasons saidā€¦
I'd like to see more tutorials but you are doing a pretty good job with the blog so there isn't much to improve. I love Papertrey Ink's stamps and SU.

Regina saidā€¦
Hello, happy Blogiversary and Congrats on the hits!
I found your blog in a search for something else and I am so glad I did. What a great blog! I have really enjoyed seeing all the great cards here. I can't think of anything to make it better. One of my stamp company is Stampin'Up!
I have added a link on my sidebar.
Greetings Regina from Germany
Nikki saidā€¦
Hi! I've posted your blog candy under my blog candy list on the upper right hand side of my blog and my favorite stamp company is Stampendous

Congratulations, you have a very inspiring blog. I love Papertrey Ink stamps. I've linked you to my blog.
Lainy's Little Blog saidā€¦
Congratulations on your blogoversary. Love your work. My favourite stamps are Magnolia and Sugar Nellies. I'm off now to post a link on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx
Julie Temple saidā€¦
Congrats on your Blogaversary! I really enjoy the tuts, so please keep them coming! My all time fave stamps are SU, but I have fallen in love with Whiff of Joy! Thanks for the chance and I have linked you to my Blog. I hope to have 20K hits by my 1st Anniversary!
Anonymous saidā€¦
wow! landed on your awesomily creative blog by chance but already marked it into my fav's! (I don't have a blog ....yet!)
Thank U so much for the opportunity to win some great candy!
My favorite stamps at the moment would have to be Magnolias...perhaps because I don't have any!! I also love to see some tutorials,they are great for learning new things.

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