Blog Hoppin is Designed2Delight!

Welcome to the Designed2Delight Designer's World Card Making Day Blog Hop !!

If you are arriving here from Emily's blog, you are right on track! If not, I suggest you start back at the beginning on Faith's don't want to miss any of the fun!

Grab a pen and paper! Each blog in the hop will have something special for you--either a free digital stamp, or a letter of the alphabet.

When you have collected all the letters in the order of the blog hop, they will spell out a special code for you that will get you a free Dollar Delight digi stamp from This code is good until the end of Sunday, October 3rd.

Click here for a printable .pdf project sheet.

Thank you for hopping with us!! My letter is C, and now you are off to visit Kathie!!

We would like to invite you to join us at CDAC...Crafter's Digital Art Center for more World Card Making Day FUN and PRIZES, and an exclusive DISCOUNT for members only!


Thea saidā€¦
Beautiful project! Thanks for the instructions.
Kathy saidā€¦
Warm, rich and beautiful! I'm casing this one for sure. Great card Michelle!
~ Kendra ~ saidā€¦
Beautiful card! I love your added touchs of the embossed background and large snowflake!!
lovely Michelle! It is quite nippy here this morning and I think I will have me a cup of cocoa. Ɯ
Anonymous saidā€¦
I am casing it too. I am printing the sheet and trying it.
You are so talented!

Brilliant card Michelle, so pretty!
Kathie xx
Jennifer Scull saidā€¦
love this image! and your card is quite lovely!
Kristine saidā€¦
Was having internet probs earlier so if you are moderating comments, sorry if this is a repeat!

LOVE your crisp wintery card!! That DP and snowflake embossed background are perfect for this cuppa warm cocoa (or other) LOL. Great job!!
Pat saidā€¦
Absolutely beautiful card, Michelle! I love everything about it.
DQ saidā€¦
Love the embossing! Awesome card
Marlene Diefendorf saidā€¦
Your card is gorgeous Michelle! I'm in a greeting card swap and need ideas for a winter note card coming up... I'm thinkin I've found my idea. The instruction sheet is great too. TFS
Gail saidā€¦
o wow love these colors..and awesome sketch!..tfs..loves ya
Sherrie Conner saidā€¦
Hi Michelle!! Love this card! So sweet! Happy WCMD! :)
Kim Mc saidā€¦
Gorgeous, Michelle! Love how you made a "cute" image look so elegant! Thanks for the inspiration and so glad we're teamies now!

Aloha, Kim Mc
Linda saidā€¦
FABULOUS....very stunning and elegant!! Thank you for the instruction sheet!!
dstandard saidā€¦
Awesome card - you rocked this!
Mmmmmm - I can smell the coffee! Love the layering, the DP looks like lace behind the red. Gorgeous!
Annette saidā€¦
Beautiful card, thank you for the project sheet.

Jenn Zeeb saidā€¦
Beautiful thanks for the directions
Lola saidā€¦
What a wonderful card! All the diecuts and embossing are really impressive.

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