Season's Greetings - Tutorial

Happy Weekend to you!  Today I'm sharing a card for The Rubber Cafe, my first as a "Glue-ista!"  I've been asked to share with you all the wonders of the Scrap Happy Sheer Glue!  So, keep your eye out for projects from me in the future months featuring tutorials of things you can create using this fabulous glue!

For my first project, I'm showcasing the Glitter/Acetate technique and the following stamps from The Rubber Cafe:
My twist on this technique is to add glitter to both sides of the acetate!  I added the berries and the dripping wax to the top of the acetate while the rest of the glitter is sandwiched behind the acetate.
 Step #1:  Stamp your image onto acetate with Stazon Ink and let the ink dry a few moments.
 Step #2:  Using a craft sheet, pallet or slick surface, give yourself a bit of the glue and one spritz of water.  I'm thinning the glue just a bit so I can paint it onto the acetate.  You can use the glue straight from the bottle, which I did on the beads, however the glue is thicker and will take a bit more time to dry.
 Step #3:  Starting with your darkest color of glitters, begin painting those areas on the back side of your image and applying glitter.  Here I started with the Canadian Blue You're So Fine Glitter and moved on to the Hanukkah Blue glitter.  Be sure you flick of the extra glitter in between steps so you don't mix your glitters!  Next I moved on to the flame which I used a bit Copper and Gold Medal glitters for.  For these colors I do not wait for the glue to dry, I just try to keep the glittered areas separate as I do them.
Step #4:  You can see here I moved on to the Silver Medal glitter next and finally the Diamond Clear Cool Highlight glitter.  The reason I start with the darker colors first is because if you do the white first, and add silver or blue afterwards before they are dry, you will get some bleedtrough as the darker glitters will show through your transparent glitter as some will stick a bit unless you wait until the image is completely dry between each step...I just don't have the patience to wait that long!
After the backside has been completely glittered, I do let it completely dry before I flip it over and add any accents to the front.  As mentioned before, I added berries with the Patriot Red glitter and some wax with the Diamond Clear Cool Highlight Glitters.

Embossing folder on this card is by cArt Us - Trendy Braiding.


Karen T saidā€¦
Cool tutorial Michelle you really rock on these glitter techniques!!
Creative Mayhem saidā€¦
Beautiful!!! I need to try this technique. It's gorgeous. Excellent tutorial.
kiwimeskreations saidā€¦
Great card Michelle, and very clear instructions.
gorgeous card, you did a great job!!!

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