Simply Said

The question was asked what do you do when you need to find some inspiration?! My answer: I CASE! I find it extremely relaxing to check out the SCS galleries and enjoy the beauty! This week I spent some time in the Simply Said gallery and found some treasures there. Then I like to make the cards my way. From there I usually go off and make things totally unrelated....but since I'm in the CASE stage at the moment I'm going to share two cards I made *my way.* Thanks for looking!! Check out the original by LoriDreamsStampin here.

Check out the original by latenitescrappin here. Thanks for stopping by!


Alhambra Club saidā€¦
Two great "made my way" cards love how you weaved the ribbon in and out on the first card.
Alhambra Club saidā€¦
Two great "made my way" cards love how you weaved the ribbon in and out on the first card.
Bunny B saidā€¦
Those are LOVELY!
WOW! I love both of these cards. The colors are so pretty!
Beautiful cards. Love the colours you used.
Jacqueline saidā€¦
Love your colour combo's - these are so pretty!
mel m. m. mccarthy saidā€¦
Great cases. I hafta do more of that. It makes you think outside of your own style. Thanks for the awesome inspiration! :0)
Jeff & Aleigh saidā€¦
I LOVE this card - it's beautiful!!!

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