Blog Candy Winner!

Well, well,'s time to pick a winner for the little blog candy contest I posted last week!

Just how many projects did I complete last year?!  *projects* not *posts!* ;)

Nobody came close!!  But our winner is:

BloggerColleen said...

What a cute card.
My guess would be 730
January 5, 2012 4:51 AM

How many, you say?!    How about 1,142!! 

Keep reading my posts...and leaving never know when I'll post another drawing or just pick a random commenter!    Paula got some goodies last week for leaving me some may be next!


Jennifer saidā€¦
Congratulations, Colleen! :)

Holy, moly!!!!!! That is a LOT of projects Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!

Thanks for sharing!

Crafty hugs,

partridgelu at yahoo dot com
WOW! You were quite a busy bee! :) I am gonna try to do more this year. So much happened last year that took me away from my crafting. Hopefully this will be a better year for me.
Have a great week!
I left a comment just now but I didn't see it appear. I thought it went through.. But just in case it didn't... Congrats on all your crafting projects! That is amazing! I am aiming to do more this year.
Have a great week!
Lynn AKA passionwriter70 on YT.
Colleen saidā€¦
WOW! I actually won.
Thank You
WOW! That's a lot of projects! Congrats to the winner!
WOW you were one busy lady!
congrats ColleenB.
and thanks for the blog candy!!!
WHOA! That is ALOT of projects!

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