Baking Kitty Honey Pop Double Tutorial

This is one of three posts today, so be sure to scroll for more inspiration!
Today I'm sharing a card for One Crazy Stamper using Inky Antic's Baking Kitty HoneyPOP set.  I have a double tutorial for you...first how to color using PrismaColor Pencils and Gamsol, the Inky Antics way....and then a tutorial on how to assemble the HoneyPOP portion of the card.

You will want to use regular color pencils for this technique, not watercolor pencils.  You apply color to your image lightly where you want the most pigment. 

Next, you will apply Gamsol (a brand of artist grade odorless mineral spirits) with paper stumps to blend your image.  This is effectively *melting* the wax of your pencil and smooths out pencil lines.
If your stump begins to drag or squeak, just rewet with more of the mineral spirits.

You can sharpen/clean your stumps on an emery board or sand paper.  Personally, I use one stump per color and don't bother with the cleaning or sharpening.

Now for the fun 3D HoneyPOP element on this card!  You will simply stamp the cake pieces on the desired colored HoneyPOP paper pads. 

One hint here is to use a similar colored ink, this makes it less noticable if you leave a hint of the stamped image when cutting your pieces out. 

You will want to create a 1/8 - 1/4 channel down the center of your card, rather than the traditional center fold.  This will allow for the honeypop element's thickness when the card is closed.   I am really unscientific about this....I use a Scor-Pal and just scoot my card over a titch to the right and score on the 4 1/4 inch mark and then flip my card and repeat; scooting my card over a titch and scoring again on the 4 1/4 inch mark.  This gives you two score lines, one on each side of center. 

When it comes time to add your element to the inside of your card, you will simply cover one half with a glue stick and position just to the outer edge of your score line.   Your honeypop piece will fit into the *spine* you've created in your card. 

Add glue stick to the top of the honeyPOP piece and carefully close your card. The next time you open your card you will see your HoneyPOP magic!

I like to dress up the interior of my cards, but if that is not your thing....a simple stamped sentiment and honeyPOP element will still bring a smile!


Cute kitty, love the cake too!!!
Jennifer saidā€¦
This card is super great! Thanks for the details on how you made it!
Unknown saidā€¦
Such a FUN card! ;o)

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