Try it Different Tinker - Inky Antics

My cards are up on the Inky Antics blog today...take a peek!  Don't forget there is blog candy from last week's Tuesday post...and only a little while left to through your hat into the ring for your chance to win!


You've seen those adorable knobby-kneed girls from our Hattie Lace collection, right? If not, today will be a great introduction!

Michelle Pearson created two cards using 11181MC Birthday Wishes Clear Set (drawn by artist Hattie Lace):

Both cards feature a cheery yellow and light blue color scheme, with the Tinker angel image (0645H in wood mounted).

The first is a simple, lovely design in a classic layout:

The saying is called Wished All That, and it's part of the clear set or available as 0576E in wood mounted. How perfect not only for birthdays but all kinds of celebrations!

My favorite aspect, though, is one that's hard to see in a static photo. Yep, it's a hidden Action Wobbles spring, so Tinker can "fly" back and forth on the card:

Michelle's second card also has movement, in the form of a shaker frame filled with sparkly angel dust (also known as Diamond Dust):

The Clear Cardstock front keeps everything from falling out:

By the way, you've still got today to enter our BLOG CANDY drawing from last Tuesday's "Try It Different" post, if you haven't yet done so already. We're giving away two 11102SC Fabulous Flowers Clear Sets on the Inky blog, and Michelle Pearson is giving away one 11103SC Beautiful Borders Clear Set on her there are lots of prizes to be had.

Good luck, and I hope you have a heavenly day, Inky friends!


kiwimeskreations saidā€¦
Michelle these are gorgeous cards - love how you have used the angel and kept the card relatively 'unfussy' so she really shows up.

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