Smackin' Acetate Floral

I *love* this technique....once it's dry! For me, it's a pretty messy process...but it's worth every minute of the ink-stained hands when I forget to wear gloves!! I used the following SU! reinkers: Certainly Celery, Almost Amethyst and Bashful Blue. I drop a few drops of each color onto a 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 inch piece of acetate. Then I spritz it a few times with water and mix the colors slightly. Quickly and carefully flip it over onto some white glossy cardstock and *smoosh* it around a bit until the cardstock is covered. Peel the acetate off and let the cardstock dry. You can reuse the inked acetate on another piece of glossy for a lighter look with some colors. It usually looks to me like the trash can at this point....but let it dry and then stamp your desired image on the inked paper and trim as desired. I just love the soft watercolored look it gives. The floral stamp is by Stampington & Co. It is layered on white glimmer paper and faux stitched with the Sakura Clear Stardust pen for a soft look. Edges are distressed. The base designer paper is by Daisy D's Paper Co. The white edge piece is a corner punch that I removed the guard's my Mom' not sure what company it is....but I love the look it gives! The buttons are from who knows where....I wish I knew!!! I need to go button shopping...this *use it if I have it* kick I've been on is fun...but I must admit it makes me nervous when I use up some of my lovlies!!


mel m. m. mccarthy saidā€¦
So this is how you make those collage-ish stamps look like a million dollars! I will have to take notes cause this is ab.fab.!! :0) Mel
Becky G saidā€¦
Michelle, this is another beauty! Love that border going down the side as well as the image! Gorgeous!

SBS2 Becky
Jacqueline saidā€¦
This is another gorgeous card Michelle. Your white edge gives the card a prettiness and the black stamping a beautiful contrasting effect!
Rosella saidā€¦
This is such exquisite card, so feminine and dainty. Love your work!
Swamp Tulip saidā€¦
This is a beautiful card. You did a super job.

Erika H. saidā€¦
What a gorgeous that image and the border is fabulous! Wonderful!

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